Why does lower abdomen soreness occur at different stages throughout the menstrual cycle??

You may experience tingling sensations in your right or left ovary area mid-cycle, but there is no need to be scared as it may be caused by ovulation.

Along with the mature egg, the follicle releases a small amount of liquid. By coming into contact with the membrane lining the abdominal cavity, it causes irritation and consequently soreness in one or both ovaries.

Having drawing pains in the lower abdomen a few days before your period is also common. This usually has to do with physiological changes in your reproductive organs.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen during the entire cycle can sometimes be the result of spinal disorders.

The same stage of the cycle may also be accompanied by an intestinal imbalance, which is associated with an increase in progesterone levels occuring in the second phase of the cycle.

If the discomfort is accompanied by cycle irregularity, heavy menstrual bleeding, painful intercourse, and severe premenstrual pains that affect your daily activities, please consult a doctor.

How Much Water Does the female body need daily?

Each person has their own daily water intake norm. It depends on the women’s sex, age, weight, overall health, nutrition, and work conditions.

Heat, physical activity, sickness (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fever), and breastfeeding are factors that increase the need for fluid.

For example, nursing mothers with no health problems usually need 0.2-0.3 gal (0.75-1) more fluid per day compared to the pre-lactation period.

When it is cold, the body uses more energy to keep warm and thus and looses more fluid. At low temperatures, the kidneys remove fluid from the body faster than usual.

In 2004, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine of the United States published research results matching the stance of the World Health Organisation.

According to their data, the female body needs 0.7 gal (2.7 l) of water per day. It’s important to note that about 20% of this amount comes from food.